The poem depicts your inner strength in beautiful words. It is important to write and inspire many people. Check out some of the beautifully crafted poems by Animesh Das. Read and lost in the world that you always wanted!


Butterfly, butterfly on the shelf,
now the boat found on the way through the river
Butterfly opened the shelf and flew away,

fly, fly, fly, fly the butterfly in the air,
near the woods, huts, near sea shore
then I saw a tree blossoming and more
here fly, fly, fly, fly in wood
fly with the boat
fly with the river
butterfly don’t be in the shelf


Cherry tree

Once there was a cherry tree
near by him; in woods,

here hold your breath on
near the cherry tree;
can’t smell the fruit,

though near the bucket of cherry !
can’t drink the soup
some smell now near me,

here it is; hot by touch
there near him she sat on,
beside the tree
now she spoke
said what happened to him,
here; the air passes by nose

how I can smell,
through the earth
through the tree
trough her.



The chips that I ate
was delicious
as I wrap today eating a pile of crisp piece

in the late summer
and after the crisps night, me holding a
big packet of chips,

as I finished my crisps. I enjoyed eating it
the packet which was no use for me
as now I memorized the taste of it.

And then I ;
looked at my stomach
as never eaten after and before

chips increase my body fat
then I looked at myself in fat mirror
looked as the time pass on
which makes all the difference.



Through the sanitizers ; through the air
all along the virus around
from which ? who knows !
infected around into, its not God’s problem
he is watching us from heavens
through tree etc. In silence of green,
those golden petals around those
grass; where no one exists around
corona onto towards; They see,
I see heavens in land ; those corona
neither no more exists.


Horse Riding

The bridle pain which pain
you ride among my saddle
my foot is up in air

I don’t need anymore blinkers which you put on
And many more items because you ride on
iiii aa horse , iiiii aa horse….
said the horse in woods

I must tell you this
That it pains
I am not your friend anymore
from your dear horse.



Here I know you
there we meet again on ground

On ground green
all those when; connections all over
connections all over
here we meet again !

because we gain brass of fuel
then all hands joined together
those all things together
we meet again once again


In Here

It was you who didn’t belonged here
It was you stumbled ! who
across , across , stumbled
because of your mistakes

Here in the inn, the chicken fry
cooked, near jungle across
the land was of salt, sand
Egypt memories which now and after
flashing and like never before
Here in inn
You stumbled .


Last Suffer

The way I found my way
I listened noises here down,
many houses paled in black.

The breeze and the click of the noise
up the hill
made me wonder which to choose,

there I saw someone, that let me confused
which elements to choose
from element’s remembered the passing
fair enough from now

has been stolen from me now
several years ago

time after time, the clock
the way in which I have already travelled
the breeze, the house etc.

Now this is the way because
this is the end
the end of last suffer.


Lock And Key

There on desk
i saw many locks spanning across me,

Near that metal pillar,
I grab the tiny shapeless locks and thrown
thrown into the river.

I don’t care which lock you see,
the lock which had a end .

The lock near river side you look
I look
I search for beauty

the lock on desk
in the shape of heart.




floating mask, floating mask
where are you
where have you been so long,
float, float and float
here and there
no one will stop you till the end
across the edge of lake
where the ocean ends
and from where it begins
and all the world starts
the mask still floating everywhere
when the mask
just floating
wearing masks all around.



Hustling along my first word
here it was politics around

I used the word when to describe
into those minds
for one life

with someone whom I have freeed
she disagreed with one life
for many one

into musical sound pipping
who is that someone ? she was!



when I saw you once
then I found the purpose

I saw the twice of you
where were you then,

I became
here on the deep blue sleeping sky

towards the ground
between the two
I lost the purpose



when I see you; why I can’t
when I see you in reality,
when I see you in front; why can’t
when I see you in different,
when I see you again, when I see you in to
when we see the old people again,
when we see you in splatters
you suddenly disappear
how I see you.



Onto the heavens

On the clouds saw angels
they were trying to climb the ladder
the ladder word I say,

because the angels on clouds with violin
played and acted like never before
all were in the mood of joy and happiness,

turn on those lights said those angels
and the whispering clouds were vanished
who showed the direction
who showed the way to those clouds

in these heavens
waiting for that moment
when the
angels will arrive

full of entertainment package and joy
Showed me the way
up in the mist , full of fog
It was impossible to reach up there
they were up
I was down.